Epworth Children’s Home has provided care and support for over a century to the children and families of South Carolina. Epworth staff members are knowledgeable and understanding, and they benefit from training that continually expands their knowledge and approach to care. After more than 100 years of providing assistance to families, Epworth continues to expand its services to meet the needs of children in South Carolina.
Given recent changes to the landscape of child and family serving systems, and the rise in the number of children who experience abuse and neglect in our state, Epworth has expanded its missional footprint statewide and worked diligently to develop a continuum of services aimed at strengthening families regardless of their involvement in child welfare. Our continuum of services serves children and families at their point of need, in their communities, and it ensures that there is no wrong door to accessing services.
Long recognized as an important and influential institution in the large field of children’s welfare and well-being, Epworth Children’s Home has consistently been an innovator and practitioner of best practices for programs for the children who live on its campus, its own staff, and other South Carolina professionals who work with children. Epworth’s creation of this continuum through its historic residential program and its Institute for Child and Family Wellbeing is a major endeavor that addresses the changing needs facing children and their families in our county and state, and the challenges they face in their lives.
Consisting of several centers of excellence, the Institute addresses service to and recruitment of foster families, a counseling center for children and families across the state, a family care center, and a center to address needs of older youth about to become independent citizens of Richland County. There are also continuing education programs for professionals who work in family and child welfare services and initiatives.
Epworth’s history has shown that when the community stands together and invests in comprehensive care, children’s lives are transformed. We invite you to stand with us.