Providing a quality education for all residents at Epworth Children’s Home is a priority. Epworth’s Academic Office coordinates all services and programs related to the educational and academic needs of the children on campus.
Many students placed at Epworth have learning differences, special education involvement, negative classroom habits and behaviors, a history of truancy, and are often functioning two or more grade levels below their current grade placement. For Epworth to break destructive cycles of abuse, neglect, and shame, and replace these cycles with an opportunity for each child to live a life of self-respect, responsibility and productivity, Epworth’s educational services go far beyond simply offering a traditional formal public education.
Epworth residents attend award winning public schools in Richland School District One. In addition to the traditional public school setting, residents have access to career and technology education through Richland One’s Heyward Career Center, GED preparation and classes through Richland One Adult Education, and dual-enrollment coursework through Richland One Middle College. Several other alternative school/ charter school options are also available to meet the individual needs of each resident. Epworth’s director of academics works with school administration to determine appropriate school placement for all residents. Along with taking classes to work toward a SC high school diploma or GED, residents have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities including athletics, band, theatre, dance, orchestra and ROTC.
Epworth’s Barnes Learning Center provides after-school tutoring for all residents. The tutoring program serves more than 100 residents annually through one-on-one and small group tutoring as well as study hall. Academic services are tailored to meet the individual needs of each resident and are based on academic assessments and academic history. In addition to academic support, residents have access to staff who can help with transitional services including job skills training, test preparation, and college applications, essays and scholarships. The Learning Center also has a library and computer lab that provide additional resources for residents.
For more information, please contact Christy Mooneyhan, 803-312-8878