2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

Work Day Appeal

Order Your Work Day Materials

I send greetings from the children and staff at Epworth Children’s Home. The special Work Day offering this year is Sunday, September 8th. This Sunday has been designated as a time to promote children’s ministry through Epworth, and to take a special offering for God’s work through Epworth.

Epworth is not an apportioned item, and it relies heavily on the offerings received on Work Day and Mother’s Day to provide quality care to the 400 plus individuals who are in Epworth’s care weekly.

I am asking that you request materials for your church by using this link: Work Day Order Form.

Please allow your members to participate in this ministry to children and families by not only ordering and using the promotional materials, but also by telling your congregation about the work taking place at Epworth, and by praying for the work to be strengthened and multiplied. As the pastor of your congregation, your visible passion and intentional voice in support of the ministry and the offering play a direct role in the success of the offering. In other words, if you make a sincere appeal, your people will respond.

As you actively participate in promoting the annual Epworth Work Day Offering, please remember all gifts received from your congregation will be counted towards your church’s minimum goal of $6.00 per member. Together we can surpass this goal and advance the ministry provided to children by your church.

I want to thank you for all you are doing and will do for the children of Epworth.

Just follow these steps and your congregation’s offering will be a success:

  1. Request and hang posters by Sunday, August 25th, 2024. Use this link to request your free materials: Work Day Order Form.
  2. Print the bulletin announcements on the designated Sundays.
  3. Make it a priority to include a personal note about your own support of Epworth and the children.
  4. Draw attention to the offering through announcements by allowing your Local Church Representative a ministry moment.
  5. Order and use bulletin inserts and envelopes in each bulletin on Sunday, September 8th, 2024.
  6. Take time to thank your congregation for their faithful participation by
    announcing the total amount raised for the ministry.

You may also use the following links to help promote the Work Day offering to your congregation:

Wishing you the very best and thanking you in advance.


Beth Williams
President, Epworth Children’s Home