2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

College Move-in Day for Trevor

Just a few weeks ago, Trevor* rode along in the backseat of the car to begin his second year of college.  He had looked forward
to college move-in day all summer while living at Epworth and working his part-time job in Columbia.  He enjoyed being back at the place he called home for the summer, especially spending time with his younger brother and reuniting with old friends, but he was ready to get back to school.Sept15-Trevor-sq

Anyone who has been to college move-in day knows that there is nothing quite like it.  College students arrive with excitement and anxiety as they begin new adventures.  Proud families unload their vehicles with clothes, books and tiny dormitory-size refrigerators.  They fill the room with things that make a small dormitory room comfortable and feel like home while the student is away at college.  Move-in day for Trevor was no different.  Last year, as a freshman, the Epworth staff helped unload the car, unpack his boxes and walk with him around campus.

This year, the scene looked similar as he began his sophomore year.  The Epworth staff, Mrs. Brandes and Pastor Meg, helped him unload the car and move the boxes into his dormitory.  Once everything was moved into the room, however, there was an uncomfortable pause in the action.

Mrs. Brandes broke the silence by saying, “Ok, here is all of your stuff, we know you’ve done this before and probably have a way you want it.  We can either help you or we can just leave and let you do it yourself.”  Trevor responded with a little tremor in his voice, “Yeah, I guess I can get it myself.”  With that, Mrs. Brandes and Pastor Meg started to head toward the door.  As they were saying their goodbyes, Mrs. Brandes spoke up, “What if we just made your bed for you?”

“Oh, Mrs. Brandes, that’s exactly what I was hoping you would say!” Trevor responded with a smile.  Pastor Meg pulled his sheets, comforter and pillow out of the box and the two ladies made Trevor’s bed for him.  As they carefully tucked the sheets under the bed (and then continued to help him unpack every box), everyone in the room knew exactly what was happening—Trevor’s Epworth family was making sure he felt at home while he was away at college.


*Names have been changed for confidentiality.