This Christmas, as you are preparing your gift list, I ask that you remember to include the children who call Epworth home. Children like Amelia.*
Ameila arrived at Epworth earlier this year. She came to Epworth because of maltreatment and neglect at home. She is 14 years old and an only child. Prior to Epworth, the adults in her life disappointed her time and time again. Unfortunately, through no fault of her own, Amelia’s early childhood had been quite tragic.
Since arriving at Epworth, Amelia has grown from a bitter and reserved girl to a thriving young lady. She loves being around other girls her age, her grades are up at school and she has bonded with the staff in her cottage. For the first time in her life Amelia is experiencing a safe and stable childhood.
A few weeks ago we asked Amelia what gift she may want to receive at Christmas. We expected her to say an iPad or a new pair of shoes, but her response was inspiring, yet heartbreaking. She said she did not want anything. She just wants to be “Santa” for the younger children at Epworth so they have all of the toys and gifts that she did not have as a child.
Amelia’s brave and selfless response is a reminder to all of us during this season of giving. She has every reason in the world to be bitter and self-centered after her negative childhood experiences. Yet, even at her young age she is looking to give to others. We are proud of Amelia, her growth as a young lady, and are excited for her future.
Ameila’s story is a shining example of what a safe and stable place to call home and an array of services can do for a child. Her care at Epworth is enabling her to break the destructive cycle of a fractured family system and replace it with self-worth, dignity, and productivity. Her story, like all of our children’s stories, is made possible by the generous support of people like you.
During this season of giving, will you provide for the children at Epworth with a financial gift? Every dollar ensures the children at Epworth receive every tool they need to turn their stories into successful ones. Please remember the children at Epworth this Christmas, children like Amelia.
John Holler,
President, Epworth Children’s Home
PS—Rest assured that “Santa” will not forget Amelia (or the other children) this Christmas.
Your gift makes a difference in breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect.
This Christmas, you can give hope, love, and care to a child like Amelia.
*Child’s name and photo changed for confidentiality