2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

The Season of Giving

Dear Friend of the Children at Epworth,

This Christmas, as you are preparing your gift list, I ask that you remember to include the children who call Epworth home. Children like Tyler.*

Tyler arrived at Epworth last spring, just before his 17th birthday. Prior to Epworth, the adults in his life had disappointed him again and again. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, Tyler’s childhood had been quite tragic, but through it all, he had always loved sports. He specifically loved mixed martial arts, but prior to Epworth lessons and extracurricular activities were not financially possible for him.

A few weeks ago we sat down with Tyler and asked what gift he may want to receive at Christmas. Some children come prepared with a list and know exactly what they would like, down to the precise color and brand, while others may take a little more coaxing. It was clear right away that Tyler fell into the latter category, but he was even more indecisive than any other child we had worked with. He is usually extremely polite and eager to please, so it was hard to pinpoint the reason for his indecisiveness.

After a few suggestions we made that missed the mark, he apologized. “I am so sorry,” he said. “It’s just that I have never been able to choose my own presents. I’ve never been asked what I want for Christmas. If I got anything at all, that’s just what I got, and that was it.”

Imagine being seventeen years old and never making a list for Santa in your younger years. Imagine never experiencing that build up of anticipation as Christmas draws near, along with all the anxiousness of wondering if the items you have been dreaming of are underneath the tree. Christmas was just another day for Tyler in his past, but here at Epworth, we are determined to change that for him this year.

Tyler’s history is heartbreaking, but his future is bright. Whether it is on Christmas morning, or any of the other 364 days of the year, Tyler will get the support he needs to transform his life. Tyler’s care at Epworth is enabling him to break the destructive cycle of a fractured family system and replace it with self-worth, dignity, and productivity.  He has enrolled in mixed martial arts lessons after school, and eagerly anticipates the days when he gets to go to the studio. On Christmas morning, he will experience the joy of opening a special gift. His story, like all of our children’s stories, is made possible by the generous support of people like you.

During this season of giving, I ask you to provide for the children at Epworth with a financial gift. Every dollar ensures the children at Epworth receive every opportunity they need to turn their story into a success.   Please remember the children at Epworth this Christmas, children like Tyler.

Best Wishes during this Season of Joy,


John Holler

President, Epworth Children’s Home

PS—Rest assured that “Santa” will not forget Tyler (or the other children) this Christmas.


Your gift makes a difference in breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect.

This Christmas, you can give hope, love, and care to a child like Tyler.



*Child’s name and photo changed for confidentiality