2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

An update from Epworth in light of the Coronavirus

As Epworth Children’s Home continues to monitor COVID-19, we have put the following precautions in place in order to ensure the safety and good health of our clients and staff. 

– Both campuses will be closed to all visitors. If you currently have a work group or  tour planned during the coming weeks, we will contact you to reschedule it. 

– We will not accept any drop-off donations.  If you would like to do something to support us during this season, please consider making a financial contribution online at https://www.epworthchildrenshome.org/support/impact/ or have items shipped directly to us from our wish list, which can be found online at:https://www.epworthchildrenshome.org/support/wish-list/ . We are so thankful for your generosity! We will provide updates as soon as we are able to start receiving drop-off donations again! 

– All on and off campus activities have been cancelled until further notice. Again, thank you for your patience and understanding.
We are so thankful for your continued support and prayers. If you have any questions about a specific event or activity, please call us at 803-256-7394.