2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

Food Truck Rodeo – Sept 16

Food Truck Rodeo SquareThe Friends of Epworth present the second annual Epworth Children’s Home Food Truck Rodeo sponsored by JTs Automotive Group on Tuesday, September 16 from 5:00PM to 8:00PM, on Epworth’s campus at 2900 Millwood Avenue in Columbia.

The family-friendly event features 10 local food trucks including the BBQ Bus, Chef of Wheels, Dupre at the Market, Kiki’s Chicken and Waffles, Pawleys Front Porch, Queenie’s, San Jos’s, Samashburger, Villiage Idiot and Wurst Wagen. Also on-site will be a video game truck, Game Truck of Columbia, a bounce house and music.

The event is open to the community and admission and parking is free.

Monetary donations and items from Epworth Supply Wish List, such as twin comforters, towels, backpacks and notebook paper will be collected at the event (for a full list of needs visit www.epworthchildrenshome.org). Tours of the Epworth campus will also be available.

Click here for more information.