2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

Ice Cream Benefitting Epworth Coming Soon

Epworth’s famous peanut butter ice cream has been a special treat for children and guests for decades.  It has become a part of the very fabric of the Epworth story.

Soon, Epworth’s ice cream (along with some new flavors!) will be available off campus as a social enterprise.  The Epworth Ice Cream Company is an innovative startup business developed by the Friends of Epworth, where ice cream is sold commercially and 100% of profits are donated to support the children at Epworth.  The State Newspaper ran a story about the origins of the ice cream and future plans, click here to read the story and find out more!

The Epworth Ice Cream company, which is a separate entity from Epworth Children’s Home (though all profits will come back to ECH), will launch product sales this summer and you are invited to help this social enterprise grow!  Visit epworthicecream.org to see where the ice cream is available and to sign up to receive updates to get the “scoop” on how you can support the children at Epworth one delicious treat at a time.