2900 Millwood Ave
Columbia SC 29205

UM Churches: Order Mother’s Day Offering Materials

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta_button2 h2=”Order Your Mother’s Day Materials” title=”Order Now” size=”lg” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fepworthch.wufoo.com%2Fforms%2Fepworth-mothers-day-offering%2F||”][/vc_cta_button2][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s that time of year again to order your Annual Mother’s Day Offering materials!

The Annual Epworth Mother’s Day Offering will be Sunday, May 8th in every South Carolina United Methodist Church. Thank you in advance for intentionally promoting this vital and effective ministry to your congregation. Remember Epworth is NOT an apportioned item. When we as pastors highlight Epworth as a signature ministry of our conference, people respond. On behalf of the children who call Epworth home, I thank you for your part in helping your congregation meet and exceed your $6.00 per member giving goal.

Please order your free materials for your congregation:

By completing the online order form: Mother’s Day Order Form
By Email:  smims@epworthsc.org
By Phone: Sherri Mims—803-256-7394
By Mail:    Fill out the order card that is included in your order packet and put it in the mail today.

New electronic materials are also available! Please click the links below:

2016 Mother’s Day Bulletin Insert

2016 Mother’s Day Poster

2016 Mother’s Day Bulletin Announcements

2016 Mother’s Day LCR Ministry Moment

Epworth Videos

Epworth Stories

To ensure the Mother’s Day Offering is successful and encourages missions in your church:

  • Order and hang posters by Sunday, April 10th, 2016.
  • Print the bulletin announcements on the designated Sundays.
  • Make it a priority to say a personal note about your own support of Epworth and the children.
  • Draw attention to the offering through announcements by allowing your LCR a ministry moment.
  • Order and use bulletin inserts and envelopes in each bulletin on Sunday, May 8th, 2016.
  • Take time to thank your congregation for their faithful participation by announcing the total amount raised for the ministry.

Invest. Care. Transform.
Investing in comprehensive care transforms the life of a child.